Hey all-
I've been such a bad blogger this past week, work had been crazy! I also left my camera at work, which was originally suppose to aid in blogging (I was going to post pictures during my free time-as it would turn out I had no free time).
Tonight I had to post because it's one of the better new music Tuesdays in a while.
First up Lady Gaga:
Last night on gossip girl, Lady Gaga made a brief cameo after the former NYU student (she was my year and apparently lived in my dorm freshman year) was talked about throughout the episode. She performed "Bad Romance" off her new mini album out today.
This was a big day for the star as the official music video for Video Phone by Beyonce Ft Lady Gaga, also premiered today.
Ok, so they don't have a new album out today; however, I found out today that they will be releasing one January 12th and will be in New York Jan 17-19 to promote it. You can also go to their site and download the single Horchata for free!
Other releases today-Them Crooked Vultures with self titled album. I haven't had a chance to listen to this album, but it's going to be my background noise tomorrow while I work so I'll get back to you all!
Finally, Happy Birthday to my Mommy who will be another year older tomorrow!
I love Lady Gaga! Her new single rules.