Hey all-
I'm so excited to have time to post tonight! I have a final tomorrow morning and am used to the undergrad study sessions that last until 4am. Instead I have time to blog, hit the gym, and get a decent night's sleep! Part of me thinks I should keep reviewing my notes, but I think a quick review in the morning will be suffice.
After my final the dean's office at school is having a holiday party as is my lab. What a great way to celebrate my last exam...ever? Well, at least for a very long time! It's pure research and long days in the lab from here. Before I get ahead of myself, here is a recap from Monday's potluck and Secret Santa/Panty exchange with girls from my small group, such a clever idea! There was so much delicious food to be enjoyed and in the company of the greatest girls!
I think I'll let the pictures do the talking tonight.
Good luck with all your finals! Those cookies look delicious!