First the boring, breakfast today was a bowl of cereal,
with a hard boiled egg. Will also probably have some coffee in a bit.
Now to the exciting! Last night the Yeah Yeah Yeah's gave a 10 year anniversary show at Secret Project Robot in Brooklyn, where they went back to the basics "just the 3 of us and a couple hundred of you."
My friend waited in line for 4 hours yesterday to grab a ticket and it was definitely worth her time!
We jumped and danced with the sweaty crowd until we were also a sweaty mess, I have never sweated so much in my life at a concert, I think my jeans are still wet this morning!
While waiting for the trio to return for an encore, the crowd lit candles and sang happy birthday until Karen O took one, made a wish, and blew it out.
oh NYC -- so jealous you live there. Stuff like that doesnt happen in Bham!! I love that you got to go dancing!