Friday, January 7, 2011


Hey lovelies,

Sorry I was M.I.A. this week! My lazy Monday blogging became a week long break. I had to give a lab meeting presentation on Thursday and the entire week became one huge stress ball :( On top of that my camera battery died this week so I wasn't able to snap any photos. Which was such a shame because I cooked yummy meals for most of the week. That's actually one of my resolutions for the new year, to get back into the habit of cooking healthy well rounded meals each week (this is partially a food blog after all!!!).

My other resolution for the year is to cut down on my level of procrastination, which I've done very well with this week, as evident from my lack of posting and reading other blogs. I'll be catching up tomorrow morning because I still want to know what everyone has been doing.

Also, thank you to Nicole at FitNic for giving me the stylish blog award, she herself is a very stylish blogger! When I have a chance I will give a few more insights into my life and pass it on!!

Finally, if you recall I made predictions early in December about the artist who would make it to BBC's Sound of 2011 short list. Well this year I was 0/5 :(

Oh well, check out my thoughts on this year's artist here and the actual winner here.


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