I definitely need some calm! I've been feeling pretty anxious the last 24 hours and without going into details, involves my focus on the negatives rather than all the positives in my life, I need to make that transition.
Backing up, the last two days have been pretty full. Yesterday I went to a talk by Chris Mooney who was speaking about his new book Unscientific America, and it was pretty good. I received a free autographed copy and cannot wait to read it! Also, not going to lie, he was kinda cute.
Later in the evening I met with a few friends to make some homemade strawberry ice cream using my friend Jen's ice cream maker. So simple, sugar, strawberries, splash of balsamic vinegar, and plain yogurt. It was so light and refreshing, the way all ice cream should be!
Blending up the strawberries:
We also attempted to make gel electrophoresis cookies, but the night was getting late and the cookies were never iced, but ideally they were supposed to look like this here.
Action shot of batter mixing:
Final cookies, we got tired of squares (I guess we lack patience after hours in the lab) and made other shapes as well:
Today after highs and lows in the lab I met up with some of my past RAs for a NYU alumni event. The event was about 40 blocks away (about 2 miles) so I enjoyed the beautiful weather by walking instead of taking the bus. So glad I did, I miss seeing the sun!
NYU provided quite the spread! I miss my days as a RA!!
I also set up my fundraising page for my trip to Peru. Check it out here.
Trying to find sleep, haven't had much luck the last few nights.
the link to the gel electrophoresis cookies is precious! i am glad that there are other sciency people out there like me that enjoy things like that! happy st. patricks day!