I'm back in New York and back to my everyday routine, the last 2 weeks were crazy but so much fun. After I returned from Austin last Tuesday I fell into my bed and slept for 10+ hours, woke on Wednesday to go into lab and work on my presentation and then was out the door at 4 am to catch my 6 am flight to California. Officially this trip was more work related, but there are always a few moments of downtime for fun.
Southern California was far from sunny this weekend and upon arrival I traded in my run to the pier for a session in the hotel's gym which had a fully equipped gym with free weights, several weight machines, medicine balls, ect., I was impressed!
And I must say, even with all the clouds, California is beautiful!
and practiced my presentation and promptly fell asleep at 7:30 PDT. I felt like an old lady going to bed so early and ended up waking at 4 am (my body was still on east coast time) and felt so energized, ready to take on the world, or well at least staying alert for all talks, lectures, workshops, and such for my conference.
I actually kept myself pretty close to an east coast time schedule during my time in California which allowed me to be up and in lab by 8am on Monday morning without feeling too groggy.
Back to reality also meant back to my CSA food share. This week we received small edible squash and inedible gourds, can you tell which is which?
Ok, so I didn't make it that hard of a test because I took the funkiest gourds available, but some aren't so obvious. And what exactly makes a gourd inedible?
It turns out some contain a bitter substance which act as a purgative and some are poisonous. At a certain point some of the inedible can be consumed, as in the first stages of development.
In any case, I love having gourds around, it's a nice reminder that it's fall!
Happy Humpday,
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