Sunday, September 19, 2010

And I'm Off

Quick post before I dash to the store, meet class and zoom off to Montauk for a couple of days for my school retreat.

Breakfast before workout-banana oats with 1/4 cup cottage cheese.

Post workout out-1 cup cold coffee, 1/2 soy milk, 1/2 banana (left from oatmeal) and a bit of PB.



Post blend:

Packed lunch for the bus, it'll take about 3 hours to get there and then we will have a few hours of talks before a coffee break and dinner is not till 7pm!

Leftover roasted veggies, grapes, and maybe some chocolate:

And I'm Off! Can't wait to show you all the fun I'm going to have, half kidding, half serious. The talks are usually boring, though several of my classmates are giving talks this year so maybe I'll be more engaged, and I'm incredibly excited to explore Montauk, I've never been!
