Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dinner Celebration #1

Hey Bloggies!

I'm not going to lie, being back in NYC with lab and deadlines isn't so fun, but the transition was made easier since I'm celebrating my birthday this week!

Monday I woke up to this lovely little chocolate cake from my roommate, it was amazing, chocolate mousse with carmel and nuts on the bottom, I any case it was delicious!!

That evening I had a small/intimate celebration and was told not to do anything, which is a hard task for me. I survived by sipping on wine and eating aged gouda cheese (my favorite) and watching the dinner preparation.

On the menu, calamari and swiss chard:

Such a great night!

In other news, after writing the post about best dance videos I've become somewhat obsessed with Ciara, particularly her dancing.

But there could be worse obsessions...

Happy Hump Day!!

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