Hey all~
I had every intention of sitting down and blogging last night, but totally got distracted by who knows what.
This weekend was all about the birthday's.
First up my friend Dana came over for make your own pizza and a late celebration of her birthday.
The pizza toppings were so random, but what vegetable isn't good on pizza:
Also sampled a few different Crumbs cupcakes:
While we were chatting Dana brought up Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. She hadn't seen the show but heard about the first 2 episodes. The show happened to be on so we ended up watching the last 30 minutes. I love that Jamie Oliver is trying to bring healthy cooking to school cafeterias and the obesity epidemic to light, but I wonder if the show is actually getting to the right audience. I mean Friday night isn't ideal tv time. Have you watched any episode of Food Revolution? If so what do you think? Can changing the way one small community eats in West Virginia have an impact on the country?
After watching the end of the show we headed to my friend's boyfriend's birthday. When we arrived the boyfriend was at work making drinks for everyone:
Sorry Matt, goofy photo I know, but I like it!
Ended up sipping on this drink slowly most of the night since I had 8 miles planned for the morning. I'm actually a bit behind in my running schedule so I'm going to attempt 10 next Friday, I'll think of it as an extra 20 minutes of running rather than an extra 2 miles. I'm running with a girl in my lab which makes the world of a difference!
In the end I think I knew of 5 different celebrations this weekend! I ended up celebrating 3 (3rd celebration post to come), and spent the remaining weekend attempting to finish up my thesis proposal, relaxing and sleeping.
On the agenda for the day:
-write for a few hours this morning
-work on midyear review for fellowship
-3 mi easy run and spin
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