Sunday, August 29, 2010

I love Rachael Ray!

Whenever I want to try a new recipe, I usually turn to my Rachael Ray cookbooks. I probably have almost every one of hers. They have fun recipes, although not usually "30 minute meals." Today, I wanted to have some type of beef, and I found a recipe for steak stuffed with spinach and crimini mushrooms. The hardest part was definitely putting the hole in the roast and stuffing it. but it came out very well! The crimini mushrooms were put on top.

While at the grocery store getting ingredients for dinner and the rest of the week, I found that the produce section had some interesting melon choices. I picked out a Santa Claus melon. I remember eating this melon before, but I don't remember what it tastes like. I haven't eaten it yet, so I'll have to tell you about the taste later! Here's what it looks like:

I've been looking all over different grocery stores, but I can't seem to find blood oranges anywhere! I haven't had them in months, and I miss them. Also, O can't seem to find canned pumpkin. An employee at a grocery store said that last year's pumpkin harvest wasn't so great, so at least I've solved the canned pumpkin mystery.

And also, what better to go with a sandwich, but chips? I'm so glad I had some very tasty chips on hand today. Have you ever heard of PopChips? They are made by putting pressure to the potato mixture, I believe. They're not fried or baked. Today, I had barbecue, but in the bast I've also had the salt and vinegar. At 120 calories for 20 chips, these are a great snack!

Have a nice week!



  1. Blood oranges aren't in season, they'll be back soon, like late October, and definitely by November.

  2. Oh that looks incredible :) the belt and dress were thrift store finds because i left all my take home bags in my car and we drove home in my sister's car. it was an epic fail :)
